Monday 22 February 2010

Week two. My writing style

I'm into my second week of writing.  I am switching between two writing projects- one for an older age group, one for a younger age group.  I've become a bit side- tracked by notions that I need to plan- I do a little bit of background outlining- characters- I can see them- actually as I write they become clearer, I know them more-I don't think that for me that any amount of character profiles will help my novels.

For example writing this morning working on the younger novel- I suddenly found a huge story problem that will flesh out my characters and the main aim of this book beautifully.  It made me excited, yes!  And its spinning something that happend to me into a new context.

I think, I research, but nothing grows and shapes the story by just sitting and writing.

Maybe one day this might change but for now, I write to find out what the story will be.

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